§ 78-75. Hearing.  

Latest version.
  • Any plat submitted to the commission shall contain the name and address of the applicant or his authorized representative to whom notice of public hearing shall be sent, and no plat shall be acted on by the commission without affording a hearing thereon, as provided in section 15 of the Planning Commission Act, Act No. 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1931 (MCL 125.31 et seq., MSA 5.2991 et seq.), as amended. Notice shall be sent to such person at his address by registered mail of the time and place of such hearing not less than five days before the date fixed therefor. Similar notice shall be mailed to the owners of land, including across street and alley properties immediately adjoining the platted land, as their names and addresses appear upon the latest city tax record.

(Code 1980, § 4-808)