§ 78-76. Tentative approval.  

Latest version.
  • Preliminary plats shall be subject to the tentative approval of the commission and city council, who shall take into consideration the city's requirements and the most appropriate use of the land. Particular attention will be given to the standards of design, the justification for the development of public improvements and the subdivision's conformity to existing streets and the city's thoroughfare and streets plan. The width, location and arrangements of streets, the dimensions of lots, the locations of utilities and other features will be reviewed as to their conformity to existing plans and regulations. Before approving any preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision, the commission must find that the land covered by the proposed subdivision is suitable both for development and for the type of development proposed in that:


    It can be safely used for building purposes without danger from flood or from any other menace to health or safety.


    It can be served with public facilities and services as, in the opinion of the commission or other particular agencies concerned (i.e., Wayne or Oakland County Road Commissions, county health department, superintendent of schools, water and/or sewage departments or districts having jurisdiction, etc.), are required by the type of development and the circumstances of the particular case.


    Following review of the preliminary plat and other material submitted for conformity to this article and negotiations with the proprietor on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him, the commission shall within 30 days act thereon as submitted, or modified, and if approved, the commission shall express its approval as conditional approval and state the condition of such approval, if any, or if disapproved, shall express its disapproval and its reasons therefor, and so notify the proprietor in writing.


    If the preliminary plat meets the approval of the commission, it shall then be submitted to the city council for its tentative approval. If approved by the council the proprietor may proceed to make an accurate survey of the property and prepare the final plat. Plans thus tentatively approved by the commission and city council shall bear the signature of the chairman of the commission and city manager, and one copy shall be filed in the office of the city engineer, one copy on the file of the commission and a third signed copy returned to the proprietor.


    The approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute an acceptance of the subdivision.

(Code 1980, § 4-809)